When the whole is greater than the sum of the parts- this is the enigmatic ideal than can, in the right situation, happen we collaborate together. Here you can find released albums which are in the main collective endeavours - bands I play in and also write for and bands in which I am a proud sideman. Where possible, the listen tab will lead to the bandcamp page which is of course where the artists most benefit. It’s not all here but a comprehensive discography is on this wikipedia page.


Medno Roso

Kit Downes, Pjev, HC 2023

Recorded live in the Cologne Agnes Church. This record was a first encounter and something very special for all of us. Organ , Sax , and Balkan A Capella beauty interwoven and beautifully released by Red Hook Records.



Slowfox5 2023

We recorded this album in Argentina with some wonderful Argentinean guests. It is a musical journey around the world and remains one of my favourites ot this day. Playing unison lines with Valentine is something magical.



Unwind 2023

The 4th studio album of my dear New Zealand band featuring the Father/son teram of Paul and Julian Dyne.


Keep it clean

Phil DonkinTrio 2023

With bassist Phil donkin and drummer Jochen Rückert we recorded a classic Sax Trio album in dear Cologne. It’s a burner.



Slowfox 2021

Our third studio album, recorded in Cologne with titles based off a poem by the great Nina simone



Unwind 2025

Recorded in Aoearoa, this is our 4th studio album on Rattle and holds dearly for me the memories of our 2024 tour.


Pristine Sound of Root70

Root70 2023

This is our latest studio album and was recorded in a gorgeous old school studio in Bremen, all directly to analogue tape.


Off World

WPW 2021

Wolffparkinsonwhite is the programming alias of Jochen Rückert and on this little gem I wrote some lyrics and sung over his weaving beats.


Gentle Giants

Slowfox 2017

This one remains one of my favourites from the trio. Recorded in the SWR Radio studios and featuring superb compositions by Sebastian.



HC and Burnt Friedman 2020- Nonplace

You hear compassion and anger, vulnerability and strength, but deepest of all, perhaps, a sadness that would be almost unendurable if it were not examined and transformed, somehow, into beauty.
