This page contains assorted texts I have written over the years- a real mix of liner notes, random thoughts, song lyrics and much more. simply click on the buttons to open the full PDF..

Love in Numbers- The Secret of the Sixths

I wrote this text to accompany the release MT1. It goes into depth about my discoveries of the sound of the Fibonacci sequence and how I used it to create the work for four alto saxophones- Love in Numbers.

The Rabbit’s Dream of the Inner Mongolia - A tone poem

This poem I wrote to accompany the MT2 release of the same title featuring Fengxia Xu and recorded in the incredible Sendesaal Bremen. It tells the story of a lone rabbit on the open windswept plains of the inner Mongolia.

Musings on the Wake - Musings on my recording of fragments from Finnegans Wake - MT17

It is just a little bit like a dream, this book is. Since when can we clearly remember the narrative journey through our unconscious adventures in the night? More likely we recall certain fragments and moments, perhaps a word here and there. Sometimes it feels like time itself is warped and that in a single moment we have experienced entire stories and voyages. And then all of a sudden, unless we get it down on paper, the whole story that just flew by in our sleeping heads is gone forever.

What Moved me Most - Reflections on some of my most loved albums

I look at these pearls like dear old friends who helped me through all kinds of passages in life and gave me things that no word could. Even just thinking about them makes me smile. I’ve heard them so many times they feel like they are part of my fibre, my being, and I’m just full of the deepest gratitude and appreciation at their creation. Click on the titles for the youtube links as most of the artists are sadly no longer with us.

Licht - Liner notes for the duo album of Christian Weidner and Felix Hauptmann 2024

Licht (light) can be seen as a part of the infinite frequency spectrum — a point of great meaning for us humans — but it also denotes a quality of warmth and comfort and even one of arriving home. It is here in this part of my personal definition that the album title falls and carries with it so much connotation.Licht gifts us with 12 angles of perception into a meticulously constructed hive in which the alto saxophone and piano shine and soar in their own lyrical dialects…