Here you can find albums for which I wrote, arranged, and played. The list is not complete but bit by bit I will add in what I can from the last decades. Most of my releases were put out in the form of two 13 CD box sets by the Moontower foundation. in 2013 “13 Views of the Heart’s Cargo” and in 2016 “Cusp of Oblivion” . On the Scripto page I have included the texts I wrote to accompany the recordings.

Star Shepherd

Hayden Chisholm Trio 2016

recorded in the luscious hall of Deutschland Funk in Cologne with Peter Eldh on Bass and Jonas Burgwinkel on drums, it is still one of my favourite trio outings and has a very special vibe.

Listen up!

Oracle Hymns

Hayden Chisholm 2016

This baby was recorded in my favourite studio of all time, the old P4 Nelepa strasse studio. In it I combine 2 sruti boxes to blend tonalities into new tonal spaces in which I simply let Cosette move in between in.

Listen up!

Sacred Love and Pain

Hayden Chisholm Trio 2016

All the pieces here are based of poems which I have presented on the scripto page. Phil Donkin on bass and Jonas Burgwinkel on drums made this recording from the Deutschland Funk main hall another dear memory for me.

Listen up!

Ace of my Heart

LJO , Lucia Cadotsch and Hayden Chisholm

This was my shot at a full on straight ahead big band program with a bunch of love songs I wrote and arranged for this stellar young Swiss band. I’m still so proud of this recording.

Listen up!

Glowing Core

Hayden Chisholm- Rebecca Horn 2016

This recording contains installation and film music I created for my long time collaborater and mentor Rebecca Horn. Our last major work in Mallorca, Glowing Core , was one of the strongest in my humble opinion.

Listen up!


Hayden Chisholm- John Taylor - Matt Penman 2016

With these incredible gentleman, for a short but beautiful time, we shared some unforgettable concerts and moments. This is our only studio record though we also have this lovely live recording form Munich. John will always be in my heart- he was a spirit that touched so many with his gentleness and love for life.

Listen up!